The architect begins work when the site and the type of building have been deter mined. You need to think about the finished home and how it needs to sit in relation to: - sun - wind - water, electricity and other services - boundaries (a registered surveyor can remove uncertainty) - neighbours (preserve your privacy and theirs) - access onto and around the site (for example, paths, driveways and door placement) - any hills or slopes (and how they might affect your finished height and width) - existing features that you want to retain (for example, trees or outbuildings). Your architect will also help choose the type of building, the general form that we'll adjust to your needs and use case.
The natural world is both a help and a hindrance for the architect and your new home. To make safe and comfortable buildings, we must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air, moisture, and dryness and think about things like fire, earthquake, and flood ing. The ways to control the environment discussed here are only the practical parts of planning. The architect treats them in terms of how they look. The placement and shape of buildings in relation to their surroundings, the distribution of space inside buildings, and other planning tools are all critical to the aesthetics of architecture.
The way buildings and their parts are put together is a way to control the effects of the sun, wind, and rain. For example, people in the Northern Hemisphere can use a plan to get heat from or avoid the sun by turning the planning axis toward or away from the sun to get more or less of the sun's rays. Within a building, the axis and placement of each space determine how much sun each area gets. Orientation can help control the flow of air and lessen the adverse ef fects of wind, rain, and snow since, in most places, the prevailing currents can be seen. The trees, land formations, buildings, and other immediate areas also affect orienta tion. Trees, for example, block or intensify the wind, while bodies of water produce moisture and reflect the sun.